
2.三天后的天气会怎么样? 英语翻译



the weather of the next week be rainy next week over all,Monday to Wednesday,it will keep raining hard,sometimes with thundershower in some places,Be careful when you are outside then, on Thurday,the rain will stops ,but a typhoon will come along on Friday.with strong wind blowing.So we need to prepared well for that to oid serious loss in economy and property.



"What's the weather like today?"(今天天气怎么样?)

"Is it going to rain/snow today/tomorrow?"(今天/明天会下雨/下雪吗?)

"How hot/cold is it outside?"(室外有多热/冷?)


1."What's the weather like today?"


2."Is it going to rain/snow today/tomorrow?"


3."How hot/cold is it outside?"



除了上述三种常用句型,其他还有“How's the weather treating you?”(天气对你的影响怎么样?)、“Will there be a storm today?”(今天会有暴风雨吗?)等等。这些问法虽然使用频率不如前三种,但是在特定场合下也非常实用。


除了问天气的英语句型之外,天气预报也是日常生活中非常重要的一部分。常用的天气预报英语句型包括: "Tomorrow's forecast calls for cloudy skies with occasional showers in the morning"(明天天气预报呈现阴天和间歇性降雨)

"Expect partly cloudy skies tonight, turning mostly cloudy with scattered thunderstorms possible after midnight"(今晚预计为局部多云天气,后可能出现大雨和雷暴天气)等。这些句型通过简单精准地描述天气状况,方便人们了解未来天气走势,做好相应的准备工作。

三天后的天气会怎么样? 英语翻译

询问天气的话,一般这样说就行, 一般将来时 What will the weather be like tomorrow? what is he like?既可以问外貌长相,也可以问内在素质,而What does he look like?只侧重于外貌。



1 三天后的天气会怎么样?

1) What will the weather be like in three days time?

2 这几天天气忽冷忽热的,不知道再过几天天气会怎样?

2) These few days the weather has changed rapidly, cold in one day and hot in another. I really do not know how it would be like in next few days.

3 这周天气不错,看预报说,下周就要大幅度降温了。

3) We had a very good weather this week, but the weather forecast predicts: the temperature would go down a lot next week.

4 下周气温会回升的。

4) The temperature will rise next week.


Here is the weather report for last week of Harbin. It was very strange.On Mondy,it was fine.The low temperature was 21°C and the high temperature was 29°C. On Tuesday, it was cloudy and hot. The low temperature was 23°C and the high temperature was 31°C. On Wednesday,it was rainy.The low temperature was 20°C and the high temperature was 28°C.On Thursday,it had a hey rain.The low temperature was 20°C and the high temperature was 27°C.On Friday,we had a sunny day again.The low temperature was 22°C and the high temperature was 31°C.